Medieval Postal Service Prepping for the Chunk
Posted Oct 07, 2009 by Matt | Tags: news, launches
We have gotten Medieval Postal Service set up and firing again in preparation for the 2009 World Championships of Punkin' Chunkin'. This past summer was spent doing a lot of rebuilding, modifying, and redesigning. After all this work, we took the machine down to our range on September 19, and began set-up. The weekend of the 26th was mostly a washout, and we got very little accomplished, but this past weekend we finished up and actually took some shots with a little counterweight and our 4-pound medicine ball, just to make sure that the modifications all work properly. They appear to be performing as well, and the three low-power shots we took were all very impressive. One shot actually nailed a tree dead center and came shooting back out of the treeline, which was an amusing moment.
The aim now is to get up to our full counterweight, something we didn't even manage last year at Delaware, and then we will start firing pumpkins, or some type of stand-in for a 8-10 pound projectile. Stay tuned for more, we are not going to release details like distances and such, but our overall progress will be kept up-to-date here.