Imagine RIT in 4 Days!
Posted Apr 28, 2010 by Matt | Tags: news
With Imagine RIT looming this Saturday, we are pretty much ready to exhibit some of our most popular works (aside from MPS due to time and space issues). We've gotten Melon Felon out, and started popping sling lines and shooting 50% further than ever before, an encouraging sign. We have ordered some 1/8" Amsteel Blue (actually orange this time in a hope that it shows up on video) for both Melon Felon and Janus, the two machines we are bringing. We also have a large, growing collection of roughly 1 pound ice balls in the freezer which we will be launching with Janus, potentially over 1000 feet! If you are in the Rochester area, come and check it out! Saturday, May 1, 2010, from 10AM - 5PM. We plan to shoot all day, as long as nothing breaks.