Posted by Matt
news, WCPC
Team Urban Siege has made it down to Delaware and is beginning to set up Medieval Postal Service. We were able to move right in to our pit as soon as we arrived around 3:20 after leaving Rochester at 7:20AM. This is despite the large amount of rain that had fallen on the field over the last week or so, prompting remarking of the pit locations at least once. Still, all was fairly dry once we got on-site today. Tomorrow we plan to finish setup, as we were only able to get the base put together before we ran out of light. Plus, we were tired after almost 7.5 hours of driving and an early morning to boot.
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| Nov 04, 2009
Posted by Matt
site updates, WCPC
We've finally made a page for Medieval Postal Service Videos, and linked to our YouTube video of it performing in Delaware. Also, some updates have been made to the links page, and added some more links in there as well. More stuff is in the works, stay tuned!
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| Mar 04, 2009
Posted by Matt
launches, WCPC
The 23rd World Championships of Punkin' Chunkin', held from October 31 - November 2, 2008, was to be our first real hurling competition. We entered our new 8-foot Floating Axle King Arthur-style trebuchet, the Medieval Postal Service. Unfortunately, construction had taken so long to complete in the fall that we had yet to test fire with more than 200 pounds of counterweight and a 4-pound projectile. Entered in the Adult Trebuchet division (we were all too old to qualify for the Youth division - 17 and Under), we needed to be able to launch 8-10 pounders, and thus had some work to do. Despite the lack of true testing, we were still confident that we could take 4th place in the division, or at least be very competitive for it. Yankee Siege, Pumpkin Hammer, and the Magic of Merlin all figured to exceed 1500 feet and be the top three machines, but no one else was expected to break 1000 feet. We wanted to, but knew it probably would not happen this year.
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| Jan 08, 2009