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Jeckyl Hyde Trebuchet Videos

April 6, 2008 -- Jeckyl and Hyde Tries Again

Jeckyl and Hyde has been repaired from last summer's damage, and fires again for the first time in 2008. We also fixed the flaw that caused the secondary trigger to fail last summer. That was not to be an issue in any of the 9 shots taken here. Distances of 180, 180, 5, 80, 70 (with a golf ball), 250, 215, 255, and you can see the last for yourself.  The projectile was a baseball for all but the one shot, and we used 50 pounds of counterweight on all shots, with an excessively long sling. Headwind all day too.

July 13, 2007 -- Jeckyl and Hyde's Triggering Issues Part II

Virtually a carbon copy of 3 weeks ago, Jeckyl and Hyde shoots a baseball four times with differing success as a King Arthur. The shots traveled 275 and 280 feet, respectively, and the other two are pretty obvious where they went. All shots with 50 pounds of counterweight. Chris apparently made a prediction just as the last shot was about to come, and he was unfortunately right.

June 22, 2007 -- Jeckyl and Hyde's Triggering Issues

Jeckyl and Hyde shoots four times with differing success as a King Arthur. The shots traveled 275 and 285 feet, respectively, and the other two are pretty obvious where they went. All shots with 50 pounds of counterweight propelling a baseball.

March 30, 2007 -- Jeckyl and Hyde's Maiden Shots

Jeckyl and Hyde takes its first shot, with a 50 pound counterweight and a baseball as projectile, in King Arthur configuration. It went a distance of 345 feet, and the tuning was off with the secondary, release was well after arm stall, and the trajectory was extremely flat. Still, a great first shot!

Jeckyl and Hyde takes its second shot in King Arthur configuration, with the same 50 pound counterweight and baseball as in the above clip. We changed the pin for a higher trajectory, but it ended up about the same, but the range here was 375 feet!

Jeckyl and Hyde takes its third ever shot in King Arthur configuration with the same counterweight and projectile as in the previous two shots. The secondary line was shortened to get an earlier secondary trigger release, but the distance was less than impressive. Only about 250 feet this time. Release was still well after stall, though on a better trajectory.

On Jeckyl and Hyde's 5th shot in King Arthur arrangement, the release pin came undone without us realizing it. Needless to say, the baseball went nowhere, and the 50 pound counterweight swung around a bit. The final result wasn't pretty, but was fairly amusing at the same time.

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Use "common sense" when operating trebuchets and catapults. Even little ones can be dangerous. Do not place anything you are not willing to lose in the plane of the arm rotation (this includes yourself, body parts, car windshields, cameras, etc). These catapults and trebuchets are capable of throwing just as far backwards as forwards, and the use of a backstop of some sort is recommended, though the use of one does not make the region behind it safe.

Also, just because the throw got away safely downrange does not mean the end of the danger. The arm is likely still swinging wildly along with the counterweight, and there is a sling whipping around. One thing many people fail to take into account is this sling; some people put a metal ring on the slip end of the sling and this ring can HURT when whipping around!

Have fun hurling, but please KEEP IT SAFE!!!