Posted by Matt
launches, NASAW, WCPC
More to come, but for now a quick update. Yankee Siege won this year with their colossal 2800-foot shot, American Chucker came in second, and First in Fright came in 3rd, edging out Launch-Ness Monster. Pumpkin Hammer finally got off a clean shot and came in 5th at just over 2000 feet, finally joining that club! We had what looked to be a superb shot, with perfect trajectory and a lot of speed behind it, we all thought we had taken second and perhaps threatened a half-mile shot, but the distance shockingly came in at 1935'. We don't really believe that number, and neither do our fellow competitors, but we can only take what they tell us it is...
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| Nov 03, 2013
Posted by Matt
NASAW, WCPC, launches
Today was an incredible day for the trebuchet division. The winds were calm, and the weather was incredible all day with a mixture of clouds and ample sunshine coupled with mild mid-60s temperatures ruling the day, probably the best weather day we have ever had in our years at the chunk. Many machines shot personal bests, and another team, Launch-Ness Monster, joined the 2000-foot club! American Chucker also had a tremendous shot, and are currently in second with a shot of over 2200 feet. But perhaps the talk of the day was Yankee Siege's massive 2800+' shot that obliterated the standing World Record (and the European Record of 2504' from 2012, which was in reality the World Record coming in to this weekend).
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| Nov 02, 2013
Posted by Matt
Today we all arrived and got both machines (NASAW and The Buffalo Wing Slinger - Nick's Human-Powered Centrifugal Catapult that he built last year) set up. Tomorrow morning we do a few final things and then get our safety inspections before hopefully taking a few test shots before the chunk begins on Friday. The field is in fantastic shape this year, far better than last year of course since Sandy hit less than a week before the chunk, and we are looking forward to a great weekend with all of our chunking friends!
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| Oct 30, 2013