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2013 Punkin Chunkin Pictures Now Online

A ton of pictures from the 2013 World Championships of Punkin' Chunkin' are now online. Enjoy!

Team Urban Siege Site Updated

After being broken for a couple of months, the back-end to the website here, which enables changes and new content to be made here, is now fixed. Now we should be able to start rolling out various over-due updates from the 2012 World Championships of Punkin Chunkin. The top menu link to the Blog is still broken, but the blog itself still works. Please let us know if there are any other broken features you may find. Stay tuned!

First NASAW Pictures Online

We've uploaded the first pictures from the construction of NASAW for viewing. More will come at a later date, but enjoy these for now!

Punkin Chunkin Pictures

You may have noticed this already: we've uploaded some pictures from the 2011 World Championships of Punkin Chunkin. There will be more to follow. Don't forget to watch us on TV Thanksgiving night (this Thursday 11-24) at 8PM EST/PST!

Updated Videos, New Trebuchet

Lots of video-related news. First of all, Google has "encouraged" everyone with videos on the old Google Video service to transition to YouTube. This was something that we saw coming a couple years ago when Google bought YouTube, which is why our last several years' worth of videos have been uploaded onto YouTube. Now Google is looking to close down the old service, and we had a dozen or so of our old videos on there. Luckily, Google made an easy way to switch the videos over, which we did a month ago. All embed code on the Team Urban Siege website is now running YouTube code.

All-New Plans Available for Download!

That's right, we have actually released plans that we created! The plans will enable you to build and even tune a small desktop-sized Hinged Counterweight Trebuchet (HCW) that will throw a small rubber ball 20 feet! Begin war today on your cubicle neighbors! See the page here: Mini-HCW Plans. Massive Update!

Team Urban Siege has (once again) updated the website. Hopefully this is the last major update for a long time. The visual changes are obvious to those familiar with the site before. We have hopefully made the site much less cluttered while still maintaining an easy navigation. All of the original pages are still here, but most have been renamed.

Janus, Imagine RIT Videos Available

Some videos of Janus firing are now available. Check them out and enjoy, one is actually a compilation of many of the shots we took at Imagine RIT with both Janus and Melon Felon.

Janus Pictures Available

Some pictures of Janus are now available, go and check them out! More will be made available soon, along with some videos, stay tuned.

Recent Site Downtime

Recently this website has experienced some intermittent downtime. We apologize for this, but there was some server maintenance that occurred the first week of this month that required some brief spurts of downtime. Furthermore, the internet feed to the server went down this morning. All appears to be back online now. The downtime was not an indication of the site going offline! We will be updating very soon on our progress with Janus, as that project has been progressing nicely. Again, apologies for any inconvenience the downtime caused.

©2025 Matt DiFrancesco and/or Team Urban Siege unless otherwise specified. No reproduction of any content within this site for other than personal use (i.e. you will NOT reproduce anything here for monetary gain) is permitted without written permission from the team captain.

All material found within this site is to be used solely at the risk of the user. We will in no way be responsible for any incidents resulting from the use of said material. Please read our disclaimer before using any information found within this site.

Site optimized for viewing at resolutions of 1024x768 or greater on current versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome. Please report any viewing issues or broken links to or use the contact form.


All information found with this site or at other sites linked to from here is used at the sole risk of the user. Team Urban Siege and its members will be in no way responsible for any damage or injuries suffered from the use of this information.

Use "common sense" when operating trebuchets and catapults. Even little ones can be dangerous. Do not place anything you are not willing to lose in the plane of the arm rotation (this includes yourself, body parts, car windshields, cameras, etc). These catapults and trebuchets are capable of throwing just as far backwards as forwards, and the use of a backstop of some sort is recommended, though the use of one does not make the region behind it safe.

Also, just because the throw got away safely downrange does not mean the end of the danger. The arm is likely still swinging wildly along with the counterweight, and there is a sling whipping around. One thing many people fail to take into account is this sling; some people put a metal ring on the slip end of the sling and this ring can HURT when whipping around!

Have fun hurling, but please KEEP IT SAFE!!!